Em Ahmed
Nov 20, 2020
I Don’t Know What To Do After Earning My Degree(s), but I’m Actually Not Worried About It
I’m officially a senior here at UNLV, this means I am going into the fourth year of my degree. In approximately one semester, I will be...

Megan Taylor Agbayani
Oct 20, 2020
The Future - Why I Picked My Major
One does not know what the future will hold. One may never find out what will happen to them until that moment comes. One will never know...

Maria Victoria Agao
Oct 17, 2020
How To Stay Organized in College
There are so many college organization tips out there that it can be overwhelming. In this post, I have come up with five simple tips to...

Michelle Anne Abrina Inocencio
Sep 21, 2020
3 Tips from a Pre-Professional College Student
Have you dreamt about being a lawyer? A veterinarian? A dentist? A pharmacist? An optometrist? Or have you recently seen a couple of...

Morgan Tilley
Sep 15, 2020
Time Management
If you ask any college student how to be successful in college, they will tell you time management. Time management. The bane of almost...

Daria Dixon
Sep 7, 2020
How to Survive An Online Class
If you’re like me, online classes are the bane of your existence. My brain is not designed to be successful in an online setting for...

Olivia Cheche
May 14, 2020
Research and Creative Honors
This is the second of four posts giving all the insight about the Honors College at UNLV. This gives all the information that a...

Catelyn Kaufman
May 12, 2020
Honors College: What's All the Buzz?
This is the first of four posts giving all the insight about the Honors College at UNLV. This gives all the information that a...

Brittany Booth
Feb 25, 2020
Three Tips for Prospective Students
This is the final post in the Tips for Success Series. This series is to help Rebels through the semester with tips and tricks for those...

Kamila Nasereddin
Feb 20, 2020
Setting the Foundation for Organization
This is the eleventh of 12 post in the Tips for Success Series. This series is to help Rebels through the semester with tips and tricks...

Miranda Cain
Jan 27, 2020
This is the fifth of 12 post in the Tips for Success Series. This series is to help Rebels through the semester with tips and tricks for...

Edgar Bueno
Jan 27, 2020
Academic Advising: Guide to Your Degree
This is the fourth of 12 post in the Tips for Success Series. This series is to help Rebels through the semester with tips and tricks for...

Anthony Foreman
Jan 16, 2020
Tips for Success at UNLV
This is the second of 12 post in the Tips for Success Series. This series is to help Rebels through the semester with tips and tricks for...

Jordan Dellinger
Dec 18, 2019
The Mid-Night Crisis
We all have that moment in the middle of the night after a bad dream. That moment where you have a small (or big) crisis when you...

Daria Dixon
Dec 5, 2019
Study Tips that Just Might Help
Finals are just around the corner, and you know what that means. It is time to study. Look I get it, we’re in college. At this point we...