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Tips for Success at UNLV

This is the second of 12 post in the Tips for Success Series. This series is to help Rebels through the semester with tips and tricks for those high grades in the classroom. It may even help you keep your sanity on the worst of days!


Starting your first year of college can be overwhelming. You may be wondering on how you are going to survive the next four years but don’t worry. You can do this! I am here to give you a few tips on how to get the best out of your academic life.

Don’t procrastinate! Look at your syllabus all the way through as soon as you get it. Pay attention on all the due dates of assignments and tests. It is better study and get work done ahead of time than to fall behind. The best place for me to study was the library because of less distraction. It is also good to start a study group with your classmates.

If you are confused, get help right away! Located on the 2nd floor of the library is ASC Tutoring Center. You can also see your professors during their office hours. Professors want to see their students succeed and can be very helpful. If you still need additional help there is online tutoring called Brainfuse that you can access through Webcampus.

Have some fun! There are plenty of clubs and social events. College is not just for study and work but also making lifelong friends. Maybe you’ll even find your soulmate. Networking is also a great way on achieving your career goals. Remember you and your classmates are in this together.

Be healthy! The Student Wellness Center has a gym that you can burn off some calories. Also make sure you get plenty of rest and eat right. You don’t want to be taking tests tired and hungry.

College is a great way to transition into adulthood. This will require willpower, self motivation but be sure to take care of yourself. Follow my advice and you will be successful at UNLV.


Anthony Forman, Senior

Orientation Leader

High School: Coronado High School

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Major: Kinesiology

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