Safiyya Bintali
Apr 1, 2021
Peek into a Rebel’s Life: Meet Mary Miller
While UNLV is located in Nevada, its unique qualities, opportunities, and diversity of all kinds attract students from all walks of life....

Gabby DiSi
Mar 18, 2021
Top 3 Places to Study on Campus (for people who can’t do quiet)
As a student who lives off campus, I find it to be the most beneficial to stay on campus after classes or to get to campus early before...

Simon Lamsal
Feb 10, 2021
Feeling Disorganized?
We have all been there at some point in our lives. You just finish your Calculus assignment and you want to get some rest but you have a...

Elizabeth Solis
Jan 8, 2021
Breaking Out of Your Shell
This post was written pre-quarantine, but it can still be applied to your virtual experience! Transitioning from high school to college...

Emarose Ahmed
Jan 1, 2021
Life as an Undergraduate Student in a Graduate-Level Course
So, you’re an undergraduate student thinking about taking a graduate-level class. It’s an exciting option to consider! I’m here to share...

Leslie Ramirez
Dec 20, 2020
Appreciating the Arts
When people think of Las Vegas entertainment most think of residency shows, DJ concerts, and Cirque Du Soleil but Las Vegas is also home...

Olivia Cheche
Dec 2, 2020
Intern With CSUN!
There are countless ways to get involved on campus, regardless of what your interests are. Finding ways to dive deep into the UNLV...

Em Ahmed
Nov 20, 2020
I Don’t Know What To Do After Earning My Degree(s), but I’m Actually Not Worried About It
I’m officially a senior here at UNLV, this means I am going into the fourth year of my degree. In approximately one semester, I will be...

Megan Taylor Agbayani
Oct 20, 2020
The Future - Why I Picked My Major
One does not know what the future will hold. One may never find out what will happen to them until that moment comes. One will never know...

Michelle Anne Abrina Inocencio
Sep 21, 2020
3 Tips from a Pre-Professional College Student
Have you dreamt about being a lawyer? A veterinarian? A dentist? A pharmacist? An optometrist? Or have you recently seen a couple of...

Morgan Tilley
Sep 15, 2020
Time Management
If you ask any college student how to be successful in college, they will tell you time management. Time management. The bane of almost...

Zoe McConnell
Aug 7, 2020
Living on Campus for First Year Students
Let me start off by just saying if you are a first year student and are coming from outside of Nevada, you are REQUIRED to live on campus...

Darian Fluker
Aug 3, 2020
Five Tidbits to Maximize Your First Year
First years can be a blur. You’re walking into a completely new space with nothing but the blurbs from brochures, brief campus tours,...

Valeria Aguilera
Jul 24, 2020
Best Outdoor Opportunities in Vegas
When people think of Las Vegas, they often think of the strip and the summer heat. However, there’s a lot of outdoor beauty near this...

Jackie Martin
Jul 13, 2020
5 Must See-Sights on Campus!
UNLV has a beautiful campus! There is no denying in that so here are some breathtaking sights that are too incredible not to see! 1....