Five Tidbits to Maximize Your First Year
First years can be a blur. You’re walking into a completely new space with nothing but the blurbs from brochures, brief campus tours, words from current students/alums, and maybe a friend or two. Now you’re being thrown into it, and expected to create your own path, easy right? Eh, not so much. But, hopefully with these five tips you can eliminate a few pitfalls that may come along with your first year.

1. Ditch eating out as much as you can
First year can be expensive as it is. From books, to supplies, to gas for commuting, things start to add up quickly. Of course, sometimes you’ll have long days and just want to grab a shake from Steak and Shake, call it a wrap, and head home. Don’t make it a habit! Treat yourself where it matters: on those days you really have a fixing for something, hanging out with friends, or designated days. Take a look at how much money you would spend eating out everyday for a week, it adds up FAST.

2. Take time to find what works for you
Whether it be finding the right extracurricular to finding the right major, take your time to explore your options your first semester. You don’t have to have everything figured out the minute you walk on to campus! Attend career fairs and The Involvement Fair. You may want to look into student organizations surrounding your major or research opportunities. There is no need to commit to something right away if you’re not feeling the vibe quite yet. Tap into those on campus resources like Advisors, Career Services, and The Academic Success Center. These are just a few of the places that can help you feel most connected to campus.

3. Make being out of your comfort zone your new comfort zone
The more open you are, the more likely you are to create new relationships and receive amazing opportunities. Can’t knock it until you try it, right? Be willing to take the steps to introduce yourself to someone, go to an event you're interested in, or ask for help. When you are closed off, there is less room for growth and growth is exactly what this time is all about.

4. Hello, office hours!
This may very well be the most crucial tidbit that I have to offer y’all. Please, please, please, go to your professor’s office hours! Attending these sessions will do nothing but help you. By going in at the beginning of the semester and simply introducing yourself so your professor can match your name to your face is fantastic. If you have any confusion about the class, visit your professor during their office hours. They love to see that you take your education seriously! Then, in the event that times get rough (especially around finals) and everyone is asking for a semester round up, who went to office hours so the professor knows they have been working hard? You did!

5. Create Your Own Vegas Adventure!
You are going to school in Las Vegas so many people expect to party-hard and rage, but that is not the case. Many people will not even spend a day walking the strip while at UNLV. Take the time to explore outside of campus and more into this city that is your new home (or one you just have not toured yet). Find some things that interest you and take a weekend to do some cool stuff, you definitely won’t regret it!

*This picture was taken at the top of Tropicana Parking Garage, 2nd best view on campus after Hospitality Hall! (:*

Darian Fluker, Junior
Orientation Leader
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Major: Theatre and Hospitality