Can't Miss UNLV Events

UNLV may be made up of about 80% commuter students, but that doesn't stop us from having a ton of fun at events on campus. Each semester, UNLV has its own traditional events, but there are always new and exciting events that pop up throughout the year! Every student should keep their eyes open for what is going on during the year but here is a quick guide to some of the best traditional UNLV events.
1. UNLV Creates

UNLV Creates is a welcoming ceremony for new students and their families. Creates provides a mixture of academic information, fun, excitement, and inspirational speakers. Attending students will also receive their honorary UNLV cord for them to wear on their graduation day. UNLV Creates brings together the entire incoming class for an amazing kick start to their journey here at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
2. UNLV Premier

UNLV Premier is one of the largest events held on campus! Premier is planned by the Rebel Events Board (REB) through the Office of Student Engagement and Diversity (SED). The first Premier was in 1996, and it was created to be the kick-off event of the new school year. Since then, the event has evolved, and it gets bigger and better every year! UNLV Premier takes place on the intramural field; the main events are music, free food, prize giveaways, and spelling UNLV with lights. At the 2016 Premier, the students of UNLV broke a Guinness World Record for most LED lights lit simultaneously. So you never know what crazy thing we will do next! Read more about the World Record here:
3. Greek Fest
If you are interested in getting involved on campus, going through a fraternity or sorority is a great way to do just that! Greek Fest is usually during the first week of school, and it takes place on the Dayton recreational field. This is the perfect event to attend if you're not quite sure what council you want to join, or if you're not even sure if you want to join, because every chapter from all 4 councils will be in attendance. You have the opportunity to talk to a ton of different people about their experiences in Greek life and get all of your questions answered! There is also free food, free games, and music, so definitely try and stop by!
4. First Football Game

The first football game is your first opportunity to join the Rebellion (a student-run fan base at UNLV)! At this point, you have probably been to Orientation and had your first week of classes and maybe even went to Premier, but the first football game of the season is your introduction to Rebel Pride! There just isn't anything like sitting front row at the students section with all of your friends and chanting "Reno Sucks" to the tune of "Viva Las Vegas" no matter what team we are playing!
5. Involvement Fair

Alright, so you have met your roommate, been to your classes, and maybe a few events and everywhere you look it seems like everyone has a group of friends but you. Or perhaps, you have made some friends but you all find yourself unsatisfied with your day-to-day routine. The best advice I can give anyone is TO GET INVOLVED! Join a club, join an intramural team, join a fraternity or a sorority. Just make sure you become a part of something! You might be thinking, "how can I join something?" Well the answer is: the Involvement Fair. The Involvement Fair is an event, where students can go and get more information about many of the clubs and organizations on campus. Are you a fan of Star Wars? Well, maybe you could join our Society of Light Saber Duelists. Perhaps you find yourself loving pizza... all pizza. Perhaps you might want to join our Pizza Enthusiasts club. Whatever your passion, whatever your interest, you can find a home at UNLV.
6. Homecoming Week
Homecoming Week is packed full of events for students to get involved. During the week before the Homecoming Football Game, students actively participate in competitions across campus, including window decorating competitions and voting for Homecoming Court. Similar to high school, but so much cooler, students will stand before the student body at the game and be crowned homecoming royalty. The fun doesn't stop there; students have a chance to join the committee to plan the whole week. Isn't that neat?
7. Undie Run

The Undie Run is an annual event that is hosted by the Residence Hall Association (RHA). It is a one mile journey around campus to promote body-positivity. At the end of the mile, students will join in for a rave! The Undie Run is free for students, but RHA asks for clothing donations, which are donated to Project 150 (an organization that helps the Las Vegas homeless youth).
8. UNLV vs. UNR

From rebelling from UNR to competing for the Fremont cannon, its safe to say the rivalry between UNLV and UNR runs deep. If you only go to one football game in your entire college career, you better make it the UNLV vs. UNR game. Each year we compete against our neighbors of the north. You better believe we give it our all. Students make T-shirts, signs, and other spirited memorabilia to bring to the games. There is a tailgate, which starts before the game, and let me tell you, there is body and face paint EVERYWHERE! This game alternates location every year and this year (2017), it happens to be in Reno, it's a bit of a drive and you have to buy the ticket, but this is an experience you do not want to miss out on. Grab a group of friends, all the red & mustache gear you can hold and get ready for an awesome time! There are student-planned events for students to caravan together and make their way to the best game of the season.
9. Rebel R.I.S.E- Alumni Panel

Rebel R.I.S.E events are hosted by the Academic Advising community and happen each fall semester. These events are meant to encourage students to overcome obstacles, reflect on themselves, get more involved on campus, and get involved in scholarly activities. Rebel R.I.S.E's number one objective is to sponsor meaningful learning experiences amongst the UNLV community.
10. Take Back The Night

Jean Nidetch Women's Center.Take Back The Night (TBTN) is a week-long event, hosted by The purpose of TBTN is to have an empowering event that honors victims of domestic, sexual, dating, and gender-based violence. This event gives survivors a safe and welcoming environment to speak out against violence and celebrate recovery. TBTN is an inclusive and free event that is open to all who wish to lend their love and support.
We hope with this, you are all well-informed of some of the UNLV traditions you must go to! Join us in making your UNLV experience the best it can be.