10 of the best places to study at UNLV!

When most people think about college, they might think about long nights, consistent studying, and midnight study sessions. But you might be asking, where does a UNLV student do this? Where are the best places to study for upcoming exams, create midterm study guides, and write and rewrite essays to turn in for 30 percent of your grade? Well, as a current UNLV student, who has looked for each and every one of the greatest study spots on campus, I am here to tell you the top 10 places to study at UNLV.
1. Lied Library (LLB)

According to Jen Church-Duran of UNLV University Libraries, “UNLV University Libraries attempt to balance needs through use of a “zoned” noise model with different noise level expectations - with some areas allowing group/collaborative study and other areas designated for quiet study.”
Hours of Operation:
Lied Library is generally open during the semester from 7am-12am.Monday-Thursday.
On weekends, their hours vary: opening anywhere between 7am and 10am and closing anywhere between 6pm and 12am.
There are special hours to accommodate Study Week (the week before final exams) and Finals Week, which are 7am-2am every day until the Thursday of Finals Week.
Lied Library sets students up for study success by having these extensive hours to accommodate for rigorous study habits of UNLV students.

Open Study
Lied Library is really the study hub on campus. Scattered throughout all five floors, there is varying furniture including large tables, skinny diner-style tables and booths, computer desks, couches, rolling/movable computer chairs, wooden chairs, etc. All furniture, excluding computer desks with computers, is movable and does not have to be put back when you are done. There are also rolling whiteboards scattered throughout the floors to use at any study space.
Services on these floors include: Media viewing (1st), Computers (1st & 2nd), Charging Counters/Booths (2nd), Leisure Area (2nd), Unenclosed areas (3rd & 4th).
On the open floors, conversations are held at levels that seem appropriate for an academic environments. These spaces are suitable for individual and/or small group study situations.
Quiet Areas
Quiet areas are on the third and fourth floor in glass-enclosed rooms. In these spaces, there are book stacks running through the rooms with varying tables, chairs, and small cubicles throughout. In this spaces, you will be in a very quiet environment, where whispering is required. These spaces give students the opportunity to study in a quiet atmosphere, giving the typical library feel.
There is another quiet space located next to the coffee bean on the 1st floor. This space is called Extended Study and is ideal for individual study with no groups or on-going discussion.
Collaborative & Group Study
Group study rooms are available on the first, third, fourth & fifth floors. The rooms are first-come-first serve and not available by reservation. The rooms are for groups of 3 or more. You can borrow markers for the white boards at the Media desk on the first floor.
Group Rooms & Alcoves
These rooms are available across all five floors. There are study rooms on the East side of the library on floors 2-5 and on the West side of the first floor. On the first floor, reservations must be made at rooms.library.unlv.edu. There must be 3 or more students in the room at all times, if this rules is violated, individual/pairs can be asked to relocate if a group of 3 or more would like to use their space. Conversation in these rooms are at levels suitable for the group, but are generally kept appropriate for an academic environment. These rooms are no soundproof, but they do allow for a more reserved space that groups can utilize for a collaborative environment.
2. Coffee Shops on Campus

Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf in Lied Library Located in Lied Library on the first floor, the coffee shop is home to one of the infamous study spaces on campus. If you are a fan of coffee and enjoy the smell of a fresh brew while you are studying, this might happen to be one of your future favorite places to study. Studying in the Coffee Bean could also allow a student to go back and forth from Lied Library and the Coffee Bean so they never get tired of their study space.
Science & Engineering Building (SEB) Einstein’s Bagels Located on the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) side of campus, this Einstein’s Bagels is a space to study if you enjoy the smell of fresh cooked bagels and coffee while studying. Sometimes, students who are majoring in the STEM fields will find themselves on that side of campus waiting for their upcoming laboratory practical or exam in one of the STEM buildings. You might also find some of the Fine Arts students grabbing a quick coffee or snack before an upcoming performance in our Performance Arts Center right next the SEB.
Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SWRC) Einstein’s Bagels Located in the SRWC on the South side of UNLV’s campus, this Einstein’s Bagels is a nice area to study if for any upcoming exams in buildings on the southern side of campus. Still getting the smells of freshly cooked bagels and coffee, students might enjoy this coffee shop to read one of their favorite books, or perhaps write one of their essays for class.
Student Union (SU) Starbucks Coffee
Located in the SU, this coffee shop is at the heart of campus and second-home to so many of UNLV’s coffee-fanatics. On your way to any class, a UNLV student might want to stop by, grab a coffee, and crack open their book for a little bit. The Starbucks is also a nice place to go back and forth from any of the study spaces in the SU.
3. Teacher Development and Resource Library (TDRL)
Open Study
Located at the front of the library, the TDRL Lounge is the space with comfortable seating and the perfect place to sit down with a good book, or grab a few classmates and find a table to sit down and collaboratively work. This space is designated for informal study to explore the collection or have conversations with classmates, colleagues, or friends. Conveniently, this space is located very close the service desk, where students can check out books or ask any questions of TDRL’s friendly and helpful staff.

Group Study
There is one group study room in TDRL that is equipped with a computer station and mounted SmartBoard. Students are asked to make reservations for the space, but priority will often be given to groups of three or more. This space is specifically for academic use only and is open UNLV faculty, staff, and students. Reservation periods range anywhere between 1-2 hours and can be reserved up to 2 weeks in advance.
Quiet Study
Located next to the Computer Classroom on the East side of the library, the Quiet Study Room is designed for individuals looking for a quiet place to study. In this space, a student might be exposed to brief and quiet conversation, no group work or on-going discussion, silenced cellphones, exposure to food or drink with the consideration of other students in the room, and limited use of electronics with consideration of others (ex. use of laptops is allowed, but if volume is needed, headphones are required). The room is sound proof and allows for a very reserved study atmosphere.

Computer Classroom- this space consists of 30 computer work stations and is sometimes used as a classroom to accommodate most College of Education class sizes. When a class is not in session, these computers may be utilized by students at all other times.
4. Beverly Rogers Literature and Law Building (RLL) & Weiner-Rogers Law Library
Hours of Operation
Monday - Thursday: 7:30am - 11pm
Friday: 7:30am - 9pm
Saturday: 9am - 9pm
Sunday: 10am - 11pm

Honors College Lounge in RLL
Located in the North wing of RLL, the Honors College Lounge is home to the Honors College Advising Center, an honors student computer lab, Honors’ faculty and staff offices, and an open study space locate on the first floor. Following admission into the Honors College and one of their first advising sessions, students are granted a key card to get into the facilities after hours.

Open Study
There are several floors throughout the Wiener-Rogers Law Library that undergraduate and graduate students are able to study and take advantage of the very quiet and reserved spaces. This is one of the lesser-known libraries to undergraduate students. It is very quiet and reserved, which makes it a really nice space to study in solitude. Most undergraduate students don’t know they can use the space, so be sure to check it out during your time here at UNLV.
5. Architecture Studies Library (ASL)

Open Study
The architecture library is located on the very south edge of UNLV’s campus. It is one of the most unknown of study spaces on campus. Throughout the semester, it is very quiet and there are several spaces, including a computer lab to get work done. If you ever find yourself look for a really great place to sit down with your homework and get lost in your studies, the ASL is the place to go.
Quiet Study
The quiet study space is located on the second floor overhang that overlooks the first floor of the library. In this space, the lights are generally dimmed with individual lamps on each table. If you are the type of student who gets your best work done in a serene and quiet atmosphere, you might want to look into going to the ASL and spending some time in the quiet area.
6. Student Union (SU)
Building Hours
Monday–Saturday: 7 a.m.–11 p.m.
Sunday: Noon–11 p.m.

Open Study
Located on the corner of Maryland Parkway and University Rd., the SU is the social hub of campus, and as most people don’t know, also functions as a really great study space. On the first floor there are 50+ tables with chairs, booths, taller tables, couches, and more. These tables can be used for dining purposes, as well as study purposes. This space is typically very active and chatter-filled during the hours of 10am and 3pm, but often dies down after 3 or 4 o’clock in the afternoon, allowing for a very nice space to take a break, eat some food, and still take the time to study.
Computer Lab
Studying in a very open and active atmosphere isn’t for everywhere, which is why there are more reserved spaces on the second floor to study, like the computer lab. The computer lab houses 20+ computers with printing capabilities. A lot of students take advantage of this computer lab if they have classes coming up in the surrounding buildings, such as BEH, FDH, WRI, and GUA.
Quiet Spaces
One really awesome thing about the SU is the Student Union Events and Services help provide students with space for academic success. Located on the second floor, there are a number of social lounges and rooms that can be utilizes at the student’s convenience. There are tables, chairs, couches, and more in these room. For room reservations, a student would want to visit Student Union Events & Services for more information.
7. Thomas T. Beam Engineering (TBE) Great Hall

Open Study
There is a large room, known as the Great Hall in TBE-A on the STEM side of campus. In this building there are tables and chairs for students to sit at individually or in groups and get some study done in a smaller space.
One of the things that a lot of people don’t know about the Great Hall is that there is a microwave that students can use at any time in the hall. There is also the Engineering Tutoring Center in the same building that may be very helpful for those struggling in some of their engineering courses.
8. Rod Lee Bigelow Health Sciences (BHS) Lobby

Open Study
This lobby is really a space that not a lot of students know about, since it is often overlooked when a student is running to one of the classes or lab that are held in BHS on the first, second, or third floor. However, on the first floor of this building, there is a smaller space with table and chairs for students to sit down and study a little bit while the building is open.
Computer Lab
Just like a lot of other buildings on campus, BHS has a computer lab located on the second floor that students can take advantage of. You don’t have to be Health Sciences major to use these spaces, they are open to the UNLV student body to provide for a successful academic career.
9. Residential Hall Study Rooms & Computer Labs

Study Rooms
There are study rooms on nearly every floor of the residence halls. For students who are living on campus, this is the most convenient and effective way to pave the way for academic success. These study rooms have no closure periods, they are open 24/7, which is really convenient for residents once the library and other building on campus close. For students who do not live on campus, the appeal of these study rooms gives commuters the perfect excuse to meet students who live on campus and make friends. In each room there are 3-7 tables with 2-4 chairs per table. There is typically at least one whiteboard in each room and a couch or two to study in comfort. In addition to the study rooms, Tonopah and Dayton complex have computer labs.
Tonopah Complex Computer Lab
Located on the first floor of Tonopah Center. Accessed from the courtyard.
Hours of operation:
Sunday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 12 a.m.
Friday and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Dayton Complex Computer Lab
Located on the first floor of Dayton North. Accessed from the courtyard.
Hours of operation:
Sunday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 12 a.m.
Friday and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
10. Ten General Use Computer Labs

BEH - Frank and Estella Beam Hall
BEH 114: Lab type: General use
Mon - Thu: 8 AM - 9 PM
Fri: 8 AM - 6 PM
Sat - Sun: CLOSED
Summer Terms:
Summer I, II & III : Mon - Fri 9 AM -6 PM
Sat - Sun: Closed
BEH 235: Lab type: General use & Mixed instructional use
Mon - Wed: 10 AM - 7PM
Thu: 10AM - 7 PM
Fri - Sun: CLOSED
Summer Terms:
Summer I, II & III: CLOSED
BHS - Rod Lee Bigelow Health Sciences
BHS 200: Lab Type: General Use
Mon - Thu: 9AM - 5PM
Fri - Sun: CLOSED
Summer I/II/III:
CLOSED (Fri 5/12/17 - Sun 8/27/17, inclusive)
CBC-B - Carol C. Harter Classroom Building Complex - Building B
CBC B131: Lab type: general use
Mon - Thur: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Fri - Sun: Closed
CEB - William D. Carlson Education
CEB 309A: Lab type: general use
Mon - Thu: 9 AM - 5 PM
Fri - Sun: CLOSED
Summer Terms:
CHE - Chemistry Building
CHEM 224A: Lab type: general use
The Chemistry Department determines hours
Mon - Fri: 8AM - 5PM
Sat - Sun: CLOSED
GRA - Archie C. Grant Hall
GRA 246: Lab type: general use
Mon - Thu: 9AM - 9PM
Fri: 9AM - 5PM
Sat: 12PM - 6PM
Sun: 12PM - 6PM
Summer Terms:
Open Summer II and Summer III:
Mon-Fri: 10AM - 6PM
LLB - Lied Library
Floors 1-5
According to University Libraries, “Lied Library has 278 computers available for UNLV students, faculty, and staff. There are computers and printers on all five floors of the building. Workstations with scanners are located on the first floor. Research Only computers are also available for members of the public who want access to UNLV resources and databases.”
SU - Student Union
SU 233: Lab type: general use
Mon - Thu: 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sun: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Summer Session I:
Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat & Sun: Closed
Summer Session II & III:
Mon - Fri: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat & Sun: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
TBE-A - Thomas T. Beam Engineering Complex - Building A
TBE A311: Lab type: general use
Summer I:
Closed (Sat 5/13/ - Sun 6/4)
Summer II/III:
Mon - Fri: 9AM - 9PM
Sat - Sun: Closed
Fall 17:
Open 24/7, excluding holidays/breaks
This lab will be open 24/7, during Fall and Spring semesters, starting Fall 2017.
WRI-C - John S. Wright Hall - Building C
WRI-C 211: Lab type: general use
Mon - Thu: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri - Sun: Closed