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Your First Week of College: What to Expect (UNLV Edition)

If you thought walking into a classroom on your very first day of high school was nerve-racking, imagine how it might be to walk onto a 382 acre university for the first day of college classes. Some might say it's going to be terrifying, others may say it is going to be the most exciting day of their life. Either way, the important thing to do before you start freaking out about your first day on campus is read about the things you might expect for your first week of college.

Here are some helpful tips and tricks to get you through your first week on a college campus:

1. BE PREPARED, but not too prepared...

It is so important to be prepared when you come to campus. At UNLV, we provide students so many resources to be prepared.

First, for those of you living on campus, our Housing & Residential Life Office has prepared A Guide to Community Living for your semester in the residence halls. Here's a link so you can start preparing now:

Second, it is important understand the existence and significance of Syllabus Week. Syllabus Week occurs during the first week of courses where the professor provides the course syllabus to students. The professor may or may not go over the material in the class, but either way, it is absolutely essential to read through a course syllabus 2-3 times to be sure you understand the terms and conditions of your new college course.

Third, being prepared doesn't always mean you have to be 150% ready for each class. Being prepared means coming to campus and into class with an open mind, open ears, and room for flexibility. Within your first week, you might find yourself getting bombarded with syllabi, due dates, and the first chapter of material, but as long as you apply yourself and do your best, you will have nothing to worry about.


Whether you are commuting on your own to campus, getting a ride, riding the bus, walking, or commuting from your dorm room, it is always important to live by the motto: "if you're early you're on time, if you're on time, you're late."

During the first couple of weeks of school, you will be testing the different routes to campus, finding the best parking options, and navigating your way around a campus you're not so familiar with. As long as you give yourself enough time to get where you need to be, you should have no problem with parking or navigation.

Parking: Be sure to purchase a parking permit before parking any car on campus this fall! To purchase a parking permit visit:

As long as you make smarter decisions than your GPS who seems to never have the "fastest available route," you'll be good to go with parking and navigation for your time as a Rebel!


Don't sit in the back & if you can't hear.... move up.

Don't get sucked into your social media (make a policy of not being on your phone or laptop unless it is class-related).

Don't be afraid to ask questions.

Don't be afraid to make friends.

Don't be afraid to talk to the professor.

Moral of the story, don't be afraid to put yourself out there to ensure academic success and enrichment.


There is not a formal dress code, but, I mean..... please wear pants.

I don't believe there is an official dress code for the student body of UNLV. I would say it's always better to be modest and look decent than miss out on a great opportunity to network. You never know who you might run into.


It's okay to ask for help...

It's okay to ask for directions...

It's okay... it's just okay.

The community on UNLV's campus is really positive and supportive. Generally speaking, if you ask someone where to go, they'll help you out or find someone who can. You'll be okay.. It'll be okay, kid.


Honestly, it's okay to meet people. It's okay to say "hi." There are so many opportunity sitting right in front of you on this campus, but it's up to you to step outside of your comfort zone and have a conversation with a classmate, professor, or fellow Rebel in the library.

Go on... give 'em a wave.

Just keep in mind, everyone has had a first day of college. I promise you, you'll be okay.

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