Student Spotlight: Cole Vigil, Junior
Cole Vigil is a very active student on UNLV's campus. As a Junior, he is currently studying Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics. Cole is a student in the Honors College and serves as an Accident Reconstruction Specialist at American Bio Engineers.
According to Cole, he chose Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics because: "I wanted a career that would challenge me every day and I had always dreamed of working for NASA." With such high aspirations, it is important for Cole to remain involved at UNLV.

Cole Vigil, UNLV student
Cole spends his time outside of class doing other things as well. On the weekends, he trains for Tough Mudder competitions, while during the week he recreates accident simulations for his undergraduate internship and employment experience.

Cole Vigil, right

Cole (second from left) and fellow Honors students during a Tough Mudder Competition

Cole smiling after an intense competition

Cole helping his classmate through the Tough Mudder obstacles
His undergraduate experience has been far from boring, as he consistently fills his time with ways to improve himself. His research interests include Aerospace Engineering, as he aspires to be a part of NASA one day. Starting out by being an intern with an engineering firm will only help him in the long run.
Cole further speaks on his experience at UNLV: "UNLV has given me the opportunity to obtain my degree while being exposed to a diverse group of students and ideas. It ultimately put me on the career path that I am currently on and will allow me to graduate (debt free)."
As Cole might suggest, it is important to fill your college experience with work and play. UNLV has provided Cole with an amazing opportunity to pursue an internship, while still having time to travel, spend time with friends, and actively engage in Honors College activities.

Cole traveling and repping his UNLV gear

Like Cole, you all will have the opportunity to experience UNLV to its fullest potential. Join the Rebellion and live out your college dream.