Want to learn more about the 35+ fraternities and sororities on campus? We've got you covered!
Here at UNLV, we offer students the opportunity to join a club, be a member of an academic council, or also join a brotherhood or sisterhood in fraternity and sorority life (FSL). UNLV's FSL is not like what you see in the movies. Instead, all of our councils are dedicated to philanthropy, outreach, and networking. You will find many of the organizations giving back to the community, participating in fundraisers for their philanthropies, and networking throughout the entire community by hosting community events.

It is common for people to have the misconception that FSL is not business, and all play. Fortunately, UNLV actively fights this stigma. Here's a word from Kenya Richey, ZTA Secretary: "Every year, we get to work the 'Making Strides Walk' (a Breast Cancer Awareness function held in Summerlin), and we get to see many survivors dressed up with our pins. It was such an amazing feeling to be able to give back and raise money for such an inspiring group of women."
Members like Kenya strive to make their organization mean more than what the media likes to make of it. Instead, members take advantage of giving back to the community, while building connections with other men and women in the FSL community.
Learn more about FSL here: https://www.unlvfsl.com/
If you are interested in joining a FSL council, here is a little more information about what types of fraternities and sororities we have on campus:
1. Panhellenic Council (PHC)
Panhellenic Council is the governing body of the seven National Panhellenic Conference-recognized sororities at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
PHC has a formal recruitment which is a 3-day process, where each potential new member (PNM) is given the opportunity to meet and bond with all of our Panhellenic sororities at UNLV.
For more information, visit: https://www.unlvpanhellenic.com/
2. Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
Established in spring 2007, the MGC recognizes that sound interfraternity, university, and community relationships are needed to promote and perpetuate the best interests of UNLV, the community, and Greek Life
Recruitment for the multicultural Greek chapters is conducted on a chapter-by-chapter basis. Times and requirements vary for each chapter.
For more information, visit: http://nationalmgc.org/
3. Interfraternity Council (IFC)
The purpose of the Interfraternity Council is to promote opportunities for further development, expansion, and improvement of fraternity life and to support the efforts of its chapters in the pursuit of these improvements.
Formal recruitment activities are held in the beginning of each fall and spring semester. Interested college men have the opportunity to explore options with each chapter through multiple events hosted by the individual chapters.
Learn more at: http://www.unlvifc.com/
4. National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC)
The purpose of the UNLV National Pan-Hellenic Council is to create and maintain high standards in the life of fraternities and sororities by coordinating and developing community service projects, educational programming, and the promotion of student leadership.
Intake is the membership selection process for students interested in NPHC organizations. The process differs from organization to organization and may include interviews, group activities, and study of group values/traditions. Each organization hosts their intake processes at various times in the academic year.
Learn more at: http://www.nphchq.org/quantum/