Honors Rebellion: Tough Mudder
I know what you are thinking: nerds... being athletic? It's an oxymoron.
Being a part of the Honors Rebellion is something I never thought I would see myself doing. There was a lot of training and running in preparation for the Tough Mudder, a muddy obstacle course. The amount of times I fell on my face, shed some tears (some of them happy tears), and jumped over walls- it was painful. However, the hard work has never been more rewarding. Never in my life would I have believed I could do this.
Of course, I did not do it on my own. With the help of my Honors College team, I not only made it over physical obstacles but mental ones, too. I was pushed over walls, I carried people on my back (literally), and I jumped off 20-foot platforms. The community in this group of students prides itself on its camaraderie. Our team worked with each other to finish this race together. I cried, laughed, and screamed with these 68 other individuals.
Without them, I would not have stepped out of my comfort zone and pushed myself to the end of the obstacle course. I found out more about myself and what I was capable of achieving outside the classroom. Since then, I have been more adventurous, daring, and, this coming fall, I will be a three time Tough Mudder Legionnaire.
And for this, I thank my Honors Rebellion friends.