UNLV's Gym Is More Than a Gym
Our gym is for more than just our fit-fiends. In fact, it is much more than even our weight machines. We call it our Student Recreation and Wellness Center for a reason. Step inside, and you’ll find something for everyone.
The SRWC is home to a myriad of activities open to the campus community. Setting aside the equipment, pool, and massage chairs, the list seems never-ending for classes, intramural sports, and outdoor adventures.

The first great opportunity you should be aware of is our Rebel X classes. They vary from yoga to boxing to hip hop dancing to taekwondo! These are group fitness workouts led by certified instructors as a way to bring some fun and excitement into your workout. Every day, you can find upwards of twenty classes being held for you to pick and choose from according to your schedule- for free! Not only that, but you can learn something new while meeting some new faces!

For those who are looking for some fun outside of the classroom, we also adore our Outdoor Adventures and Rentals office inside the SRWC. This office offers single and multi-day trips and rents equipment for solo adventures. They host activities such as snowboarding and skiing in Lee Canyon (yes, we have snow fun in the desert!), canoeing on the Colorado River, and rock climbing in Red Rock Canyon. Outdoor Adventures and Rentals is the place to go if you’re looking for some outdoor excitement.
The list goes on and on, but the last must-know fact about our SRWC is the annual events that are UNLV tradition. The Tough Mudder and Oozeball are two of the largest events that are not only fun to participate in, but just as much fun to come and watch. If you want to learn more, many events have been written about in our Rebel Experiences section. Please check them out!
The SRWC is dedicated to finding a way for each and every student to have fun while getting active. If you want to get involved, try something new, meet new people, and come into the gym and ask about the endless possibilities.