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Tips for BIOL 189

During my freshman year, I took both easy and hard classes. One notable class is a biology course: BIOL 189. This is a prerequisite for many majors- including nursing, kinesiology, biology and more. I want to talk about this course and share my experience, since this is the first class that truly challenged me. Additionally, BIOL 189 gave me the chance to use many resources on campus.

To start off, I just want to say that this class may be difficult for you if you are not very interested in biology. Some topics are in-depth and can get tedious to study. Luckily, I have always been interested in biology and how the biological world currently functions. I learned everything from cells to evolution. I loved learning about the different macromolecules, mitosis, and every topic in between! Even though I enjoyed the material, it was still hard for me to study and perform well on the tests. I struggled with remembering every detail. Since this class administered 4 tests and participation points, BIOL 189 encouraged me to study with friends, ask my professors for help, and go to the free tutoring center on the second floor of the library.

Here are my top tips if you are planning to take BIOL 189:

1. Use the campus resources. Make sure to use the free tutoring center, and attend your professor's office hours.

2. Use Quizlet. While taking notes in class or reviewing at home, put any new terms into Quizlet and study them whenever you have free time. I know some students procrastinate until the last few days before the test to make their study cards, but it makes a huge difference when you study them throughout the semester.

3. Last but not least, don’t be afraid to ask for help!

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