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48 Hour Challenge

Every Fall semester, the Film department holds a special event that can and will test the resolve, passion, and creativity of all majors. I sat down with Itxel Garcia, president of the Film Student Council (Film@UNLV) to talk more about this demanding event.

What is the 48-hour Challenge?

It’s essentially our 2-day challenge for students to create something with their peers in a stressful environment, which is basically what we film majors already do for fun. The assignment for our short films are randomly selected from different prompts, including genre, prop, line of dialogue, and character.

Is it exclusive to film majors?

No, in fact, it's open to any major. We try to find a role for everyone, whether it be Theater majors for the acting, English majors as writers for the script, or Music students for sound. We’re always trying to be inclusive. We can all work on our craft in a 2-day experience.

How was your experience with it?

It was great. I hardly knew anyone on my team. If I did know them, it was only vaguely from a class. By the end of the experience, we were best friends. In fact, we did everything together, including Spring Flix. We were a limited crew with only a few people on the team, but that actually made it easier for us. Our team was successful in getting our shoot together, in comparison to other teams that struggled.

Why should people consider doing the 48-hour challenge?

If you're a film student, you’re already required to do this for class assignments. So why not do it for fun with friends? Also, one of the biggest issues students have is a reluctance to start a project, especially one that challenges them to create something new. Honestly, some of them turn out bad, but it gets students to say, “I made this within 2-days, but at least it’s something in 2-days.” Sometimes, the creations turn out really great, but the point is that you do it. Reluctance is dead, just do it.

Any tips for the freshmen and beyond?

Yes! As a freshman, I didn't participate. I was too scared to run up to someone and ask if I could work with them. But the key is to go to the various mixers and events the Film department has: Cinnefems, professor-organized gatherings and Film@UNLV. People like having freshmen on set because they are willing to do anything. So, just be willing to go to these events and meet people that could use your help!

The 48-Hour Challenge starts Nov. 2nd with registration ending on Oct. 30th. For more information, you can check out the Student Involvement Center, or go to

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