Job Fairs
Did you know that every semester, our Career Services office hosts an amazing job fair on campus?! Current students have the opportunity to meet with over 180 employers from across the city and the nation. It’s not only for seniors graduating and seeking full-time jobs.

With aisles broken up by industry, it is a great way for students of any year in college to develop networking skills, find opportunities for volunteer work, internships, and part-time jobs, and make great connections with companies that students are interested in. ANYONE can benefit from attending the job fair! Even if you aren’t currently seeking a job, it’s never too early to engage with community members and partners.
Now you may be wondering, “what can I do to prepare for the next job fair coming up this Fall 2019 semester?” Make sure your resume is in tip-top shape! Not sure if it is what employers are looking for? Have no fear! Our career coaches can help you one-on-one to build up your resume for whatever industry you are interested in. Once that is done, it's recommended that you bring a minimum of 20 copies to the job fair. You never know who you’re going to meet.

The next step is to think about how you will introduce yourself. What’s YOUR pitch? Our coaches can even help you think of a few sentences that really bring out your personality to impress the best. You also have to look the part, too. Make sure to dress to impress. Not sure what to wear? The career center has a list of places where you can find low-cost clothing for interviews and job fairs in the future.

Still not convinced this is worth it? Let’s hear about a success story of a current undergraduate student here at UNLV who attended a job fair in the past.
The Career Center’s social media strategist really wanted to work for the Cosmopolitan. Yes, you heard me… THE COSMOPOLITAN. So, he got his resume, business cards, and a spiffy outfit together for the job fair, walked up and down the hospitality aisle until he found the table for the Cosmopolitan representative. He handed in his resume and landed an awesome job right off the bat. With some changes in leadership, he was eventually promoted to the social media strategist at the Cosmopolitan. Oh, and did I mention he is still an undergraduate student here at UNLV? He took the initiative to seek an awesome connection, and now he will graduate with this amazing job experience already in hand. And all of this can happen for you, too…
Our Career Services Center can help bridge the gap to make any of your dreams come true no matter where you want to work or what you want to do!

Allison Crawford, Senior
Orientation Assistant
Hometown: Dearborn, MI
Major: Secondary Math Education