Save Some Money $$$
Are you stressing out about your finances in college ? Do you feel you have to make a “sophie choice” between your next meal or paying textbooks? Do you think you won’t be able to afford any fun activities while in school? Many students feel this burden. There are plenty of ways to save money while attending UNLV.
1. Never buy new textbooks if you don’t have to. The cost of books for classes can really add up. Rent or buy used books is the best way to go. Many times you can buy a used textbook from fellow students at a low cost. Once you are done with the book, see if you can sell it to another student or back to the bookstore.
2. Attend a college event. For example, every spring UNLV has Festival of Communities which is a culture event that has food from around the world at an affordable price with free entertainment. Some events even give a away free food. For instance, the Student Wellness Center had an event called I’m a Big Kid Now where they gave away McDonald's Happy Meal and had a fun obstacle course for people to go through. These events are also a good way to socialize.
3. Join a club. Many clubs will have potlucks or have free food. I joined the Steve Buscemi club which members are provided free pizza while watching movies with the actor Steve Buscemi. This is another great way to make new friends.
4. Get your exercise at the Student Recreation and Wellness Center gym. This is where students have access to different types of exercise equipment, including free weights, treadmills, indoor pool and stationary bikes at no additional cost.
5. Enjoy the performing and fine arts. There are many concerts and theater productions that are free to students at the Judy Bayley Theater and Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall. Marjorie Barrick Museum has fascinating works of art museum open to the public for free.
6. Go to tutoring at UNLV. Classes can be expensive so you don’t want to have to repeat a class if you fall behind. The best way to avoid this is by going to tutoring. ASC Tutoring Center is on the 2nd floor of the Lied Library or you can use online tutoring through Webcampus Brainfuse. Also, keep in contact with your academic advisor to make sure you are the right track for graduation and not taking any unnecessary classes.
7. Work for UNLV. There are many job opportunities on campus anywhere from working in a kitchen to working in a office. You can even get a job as an orientation leader like me. Going to school and working at the same place is a great way to make money and save money at the same time since you don’t have to worry about a long commute.

Anthony Foreman Orientation Leader
Hometown: Tonopah, Nevada
Highschool: Coronado High School
Major: Kinesiology