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Top 3 Haunts on Campus

Based off of my experiences, the entire unlv campus is haunted. I know that it sounds like a bad thing, but it is actually a really good thing. All the spirits are rather nice and helpful with the exception of one (he’s just very mischievous). They want you to succeed as much as anyone else on campus does. Since I’ve decided that the whole campus is haunted, I thought I would share my top 3 haunts on campus. Keep in mind that all the haunts on campus are valid, these just happen to be my personal favorites.

Number 3: Lied Library

Lied library is not only the heart of campus, but it is also the haunt of campus. What makes Lied Library unique when compared to other haunts on campus is that multiple spectors hang out here. There are quite a few ghosts that reside in Lied, and more that pass through, so I will just highlight a few that you will be likely to encounter.

There is one that haunts the stairs and escalator. His name is David; he likes to be called Dave. I call him David. He’s the only ghost on campus you need to be wary of. He sometimes causes people to drop their hydroflasks down the escalator and stairs. He is probably the most mischievous spector on campus and the one you are most likely to encounter. I think he only does it because he likes the sound it makes.

Another ghost in Lied is Brad. Brad haunts all the computers. It sounds scary, but he is actually very kind. Everytime you log on, you see a message from Brad reminding you to save your work. He totally understands the pain of working on a paper for hours and forgetting to save, which is why he likes to remind everyone to save their work as soon as they log on.

Bryler is probably my favorite ghost in the library. He haunts all the quiet study spaces. Bryler has been studying to get his doctorate in ghostology, so he frequents the quiet rooms to study. If you’re being too noisy, he’ll shhh you. If you’re really being rowdy, he may ask you to quiet down. Bryler understands the importance of a quiet place to study and does his best to keep the noise down.

Number 2: Between the Honors College and the CEB

This is kind of a secret haunt spot. If you look at the rocks next to the CEB, you may notice several small rock piles. Before you get ahead of me, no the phantom is not responsible for these small rock piles. They are definitely made by the living. You can actually find several of them around campus. They’re a fun find.

No the phantom, who is named Feathermore, actually helps protect these rocks from being blown down. He really enjoy these small sculptures and does his best to prevent them from being knocked over. That being said, if you go out of your way to knock them over for some reason, Feathermore will not stop you. He’s very shy. Also Feathermore gives the area a positive energy that attracts rabbits. If you walk by early on weekdays or noonish on weekends you may spot one of Feathermore’s fuzzy friends.

Number 1: Chemistry Building

My favorite haunted spot on campus is right in front of the chemistry building. The apparition resides in this spot is named Rosalind. She is a chemist, but it is rather hard to do chemistry when you cannot grab onto anything. Despite this, Rosalind still likes to observe the chemistry labs.

I rarely encounter Rosalind, but when I do, it is always a fun encounter. On occasion she is in front of the Chem building. The last time I saw her she set up this art piece because she was feeling down. A few days later I saw that she changed it from “feels sad”, to “feels glad”. Everyone has ups and downs, even apparitions. It’s nice to see that she is doing better, and I really appreciate that she took the time to express herself via art.

There you have it, my top 3 haunts on campus. There are a ton more ghost on campus who are just a sweet as these ones. Hopefully if you haven’t seen the ghost on campus, this has helped you open up your eyes and imagination.


Daria Dixon, Junior

Orientation Leader

Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

High School: Northwest Career and Technical Academy

Major: Graphic Design

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