Ways to Find Your Lifelong Friend
Think back to your first day of elementary school. It may not be completely clear, but I think we can all remember that warm fuzzy feeling of coloring books, chicken nuggets, and nap time. In elementary school, life was so simple you didn’t even have to worry about who you were going to play with on the playground. All you had to do was go up to your classmate and say, “Hey! Want to be my friend?” and BAMM you’d have a new best friend!

Now that we are all grown up, we are forced to face a sad reality that those best friends might be a little bit harder to find. Talking to new people, and finding new friends might be a little bit more nerve wracking, but there is something you have to remember. Everyone's a little socially awkward! So just put on a smile and say hi! Plus, there are many resources and clubs on campus to help find those great friendships.

1. Greek Life
One of the best ways to make friends is through Greek Life. Each chapter on campus shares common interests and beliefs, so it is easy to make friends. Not to mention Greek Unity is super big on campus. By joining Greek Life, not only do you make friends in your chapter, you also make friends in others! There are 33 chapters on campus, so you're bound to meet some new people!

2. Intramural Sports
Good at at sports? Wanna make some new friends? Join the intramural sports clubs on campus! There are many team sports on campus including soccer, volleyball, and basketball. Join a team, meet some teammates, and find some friends.

3. Clubs
Unlv has more than 350 clubs and organizations on campus. From Harry Potter club to Gardening club to Rebel Reads, you’re destined to find a club that interests you. All you have to do is contact the club and join! If you can’t find a club you like, make your own! All you need is 4 people!

4. In Class
Class is one of the easiest places to meet new people. All you have to do is turn to the person your sitting next to and say hi! Meeting new people and making friends in class is super beneficial for many reasons. Some of the biggest benefits are being able to study with them for those big tests, sharing and comparing notes, and having someone catch you up in class if you miss a day of school. So don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to your classmate! They’re probably feeling the same way too.

Even though we no longer have the simplicity of creating friendships like we did in elementary school, there are plenty of ways to make friends on campus. College is about finding yourself, creating new memories, and meeting new people. Do yourself a favor and put yourself out there, because you never know who’s going to end up being your lifelong friend!

Madelyn Schmit, Sophomore
Orientation Leader
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
High School: Green Valley High School
Major: Pre-Business