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The Best Tips for Success Based on Hogwarts Houses

Whether you’re a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or a Ravenclaw, we all have one thing in common; we’re doing our best to make it through the grueling (at times) but rewarding higher education process, and here at UNLV is no different. Yet, as any Potterhead knows, there still remains a variety of differences in our traits which make us unique, particularly the ways in which we go about our academic endeavors. So here are some tips to help each house through their experience at UNLV., or a


The most valued traits of a Gryffindor by design are the virtues of courage, bravery, and determination. But, often when it comes to academics, Gryffindors can push procrastination to it’s highest, as occasionally seen throughout the films with Harry and Ron scrambling to finish a term paper the night before it’s due. Therefore the best advice for a Gryffindor is to stay on top of their assignments throughout the semester. Gryffindors can start by taking a trip to the Academic Success Center. Here, qualified members of the staff can help put together a workable schedule with you for the semester. They can also help with any other advising needs. Gryffindors can also visit their professors during office hours to discuss their progress and/or what they can continue to do to improve. By doing a few simple things, Gryffindors can always find new ways to succeed on campus.

Hufflepuff tend to value hard work, loyalty, and fair play; traits in which they also tend to bring with them into their various academic fields, but the high levels of energy they bring can be quickly used up. We’ve all had our periods of burnout due to one stress-related thing or another and the Student Recreation and Wellness Center staff is more than prepared and equipped to handle those occurrences. Hufflepuffs, a trip to the Wellness Center can be helpful because you can not only speak to a trained counselor but also enjoy a well-deserved massage from our massage chairs conveniently located nearby. For all we know if noted, Cedric Diggory had visited the Wellness Center he too could have prevented his own untimely demise.

Ravenclaws prize wit, learning, and wisdom above all else as is the ethos etched into founder Rowena Ravenclaw’s diadem: ‘wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure’. Where can the greatest wisdom of treasures be found around campus? With your academic advisors, of course! The most helpful success tip for anyone wishing to succeed beyond their goals here at UNLV is through your major’s academic advisors. Students can obtain information about class scheduling and important deadlines for their major/minor which they may not have even known. Regular meetings with your favorite academic advisor can provide ample amounts of clarity on not only what classes a student should be taking, but also when they should be taking them (there’s nothing worse than realizing that one class you needed has a prerequisite and currently the only class available has long since been wait-listed). As noted by Seer & Professor Sybill Trelaney, an appointment with your academic advisor should very well be in your future.

Slytherins are characteristically known to be ambitious, cunning, and proud; and with that ambition and pride comes the desire to always achieve to their fullest potential when it comes to their academics. Therefore the best tip for anyone looking to reap the most out of all the resources UNLV has to offer is to visit the Lied Library. The LASR (Lied Automated Storage and Retrieval Unit), which can store up to over a million resource items, is perfect for those English 102 research essays. Our highly qualified research consultants can help guide students into the right direction when it comes to their research. Not to mention the course reserves and anatomical models which are always available for checkout along with an amplitude of other equipment which can also be checked out for use at the circulation desk. As Professor Snape would presumably advise, even a skull as thick as Vincent Crabbe’s should be able to comprehend how beneficial a trip to our Lied Library may very well be.


Jordan Dellinger, Senior


Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

High School: College of Southern Nevada High School

Major: Secondary Education- Physical Science

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