Rebel Preview
One of the greatest things about UNLV is the vast variety of things to do. However, I cannot manage to write about them all in one post. So, I will just be introducing you to the very fun event held every spring called Rebel Preview.

Now, I have never been a person who enjoys long days and I know many of you are probably the same. I would never have attended one of UNLV’s welcome events had I not been dragged by my family. They are very fun (and would even make a great date activity!) and I wish more people knew about it.

During the spring, the Office of Admissions holds the all-day event on Pida Plaza and typically has terrific turn out. Rebel Preview coincided with the Festival of Communities like it does every year. Lots of UNLV clubs and organizations set up booths and sell food from different countries around the world.

A good example of the food served is that the French Club made crepes and the Greek Club made gyros with baklava. I personally enjoy going to this event because it is very culturally diverse. However, the booths are not limited to food. Many clubs such as the Geology Club and the Society of Lightsaber Duelists had their own areas.
In short, it is a cool experience.

This event is also very inexpensive for students. Rebel Preview tickets cost nothing and food at the festival is rarely more than 5 dollars. Students wanting to attend this year’s event can register online on the UNLV website, over the phone, or at the tent on Pida Plaza on the day-of.

Overall, Rebel Preview and the Festival of Communities is a great way to experience something new. College is all about expanding your mind and introducing yourself to new ways of thinking. The UNLV events are too often overlooked.

So grab a few friends, get your tickets, and go learn something new.

More info about this event can be found here!

Meagan Taylor, Sophomore
Orientation Leader
High School: Arbor View High School
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
Major: Hospitality