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Five Reason to try out Circle K International

This is the third of ten posts in the RSO & Work series. This series will take a deep dive into all things that UNLV can offer; Registered Student Organization and working on campus. See just how involved you can get on campus!


When I say Circle K international I don’t mean Circle K gas station, I mean a collegiate service organization. You may be surprised but we get that question a lot. So what is Circle K International? It is a collegiate service organization dedicated to making a change within different communities through service and fundraising. For a Freshman or Senior Circle K can be quite the experience. It can be a semester of extra added fun or laughs. So why don’t we get started on Five reasons to give CKI a try!


Community service is rewarding through to not only seeing your action change your community but having a lot of great and positive feelings for your hard effort. As a college student, there can be times where you forget that there is a whole world out there to see. Community service lets you connect with all types of causes around your community. CKI has done service events with Toys for smiles, Three Square, Salvation Army, Spread the Word, and so much more! A lot of employers or different programs actually like to see their candidates with community service hours too, to show involvement with their communities. Service is also a great way to get to know others and make some new friends while working hard for a great cause.


Everyone needs the skills to not only be a great leader but a amazing professional speaker. For not only our future careers, to lead projects and groups towards a common goal in the best fashion we can. Learning how to work with others in projects to reach the best outcome. Developing Professional and speaking skills to learn how to show your best foot forward for employers. Or even learning how to be the most effective leader while having a ton of fun.


For a Freshman, it can be scary if you don’t know too many people at college but that’s where CKI comes in. We have plenty of social events where you can mingle and met people from majors. Even being juniors, I have made so many different friends with different interests. A lot of these new homies have become amazing close friends that can give incredible friends.


Fundraising can be another form of community service and a great opportunity to work with others. While raising money for an amazing cause, you can meet more new people and bond with others. We have sold grill cheese, musube, beignets, and even corn on a stick! It is always a great time hanging out with cool people and raising funds for great charities. Rasing all the money to make it ran on the charities who deserve them!


There are some clubs that require an amount of dedication. You might be a student who works, has four classes and maybe has other responsibilities. Although you want to try out a club, to get another experience. CKI does not have any required hours that you have to get done. So if you have multiple classes, can’t come to a service event and the world free like it's on fire, don’t stress we understand!


Alex Amaya, Senior

Orientation Leader

High School: Southwest Career and Technology Academy

Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

Major: English with a concentration in Creative Writing

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