The College Marching Band Experience
This is the forth of ten posts in the RSO & Work series. This series will take a deep dive into all things that UNLV can offer; Registered Student Organization and working on campus. See just how involved you can get on campus!

Being an out of state student, I came to UNLV knowing nobody! But that wasn’t a problem for long. In January, I auditioned to receive a scholarship and be a member of the Star of Nevada Marching Band at UNLV. Once I got to UNLV for band camp one week before the semester started, I was actually a little nervous because my high school in Michigan did not have a marching band. It wasn’t long before I met all of the other freshmen and first year students at the first rehearsal, and little did I know that I had met some of my best and closest friends.

A lot of people who come to UNLV don’t actually know that we have a marching band, but one of the coolest things about our marching band is that you don’t have to be a music major!! Yes you heard me right! OPEN TO ALL MAJORS! As a math education major, I still find time in my major class schedule to be a member of the band. What’s even better is that you can get credit for being in band… (Free GPA booster *hint hint*)... Rehearsals are the needed break I need during my week to spend time outside, perform to awesome music, and of course hang out with all of my best friends. We practice 3 days a week and perform at 6 home games during football season.

Now being in the marching band isn’t all work. We still have tons of fun! As a mellophone player and the Feature Twirler, I’ve had one of the best on campus involvement opportunities I could have ever imagined. From playing at football games both at UNLV and out of state, at gigs on the strip, to performing live with Lady Antebellum at the 2017 Academy of Country Music Awards, I’ve never had a dull moment with the marching band.

Being the current feature twirler has brought even more opportunities as a member of the band. Performing at football and basketball games for such amazing and supportive fans has been a dream come true. I love being able to share my love of scarlet and grey everyday with my friends, family, and fellow band members. Go REBELS!

Allison Crawford, Senior
Orientation Assistant
Hometown: Dearborn, MI
Major: Secondary Math Education