Teaching HON 105
This is the final post giving all the insight about the Honors College at UNLV. This gives all the information that a prospective student might have about the Honors College. These posts are written by current Honors College students for possible Honors College students.

Through the Peer Instructor Program at UNLV’s Honors College, I was given the opportunity to teach freshman students during their first semester at UNLV. I taught on many topics (creativity, time-management, study skills, etc). From this experience, I learned many lessons about good teaching and good learning, and you can too!!

I think the job of a teacher is to encourage growth by challenging students and pushing them beyond their comfort zones. Life is a mess, full of uncomfortable moments, and I wanted to teach my students the skills necessary to cope with change. Change is what creates growth, and deep, reflective thinking is how we make sense of change. Some of the activities I had my students do include giving an impromptu group presentation on some random objects they wrote a story about. I also made them dance in class at one point. I was really trying to get them comfortable being uncomfortable.

So much relies on the quality of education that students receive. One of the skills I tried to teach my students was creativity because it can open a lot of doors personally and professionally. In just about every field, people get stuck. We need inspiration in order to succeed in life. By searching for methods of inspiration, being aware of what is going on in the world, keeping an open mind, and thinking beyond social norms, creative individuals are able to spend time critically thinking and interacting with their environment. Creativity is essential to students’ success beyond graduation.

I really think this is a great opportunity for anyone interested in making an impact in their community. If you are an education major in the Honors College, this will definitely boost your resume! Just do it!

Zully Mejia
Orientation Leader
High School: Las Vegas Academy of the Arts
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
Major: Painting, Drawing, and Print Making