Academic Advising Reminder!
Hi everyone!
This is Elizabeth, a current editor for the Rebel Rundown! I hope this online semester has been treating you well and you are staying safe! As we start getting into midterms and stressing over the millions of assignments we need to get done, I am here to remind you to meet with your academic advisor.

What is an academic advisor?
This may be new to you if you are a freshman so I want to take some time to explain! An academic advisor is essentially going to be like your high school counselor. They are here to help you reach your educational goals. Each college (aka major) has their own dedicated advisors. You also do not have a personal counselor like you may have had in high school so you can meet with any of the advisors in your college.
When should I meet with them?
It is recommended that you speak with an advisor at least once a semester. The best time to visit them would be in the middle of the semester. This would be around October during the Fall and around February during the Spring. I recommend these times because this is the perfect time right before the academic advisors' schedules begin to fill up; and they fill up quickly!

But, why do they fill up so quickly during this time of the year? This is because enrollment for the upcoming semester is approaching! Spring 2021 registration beings November 2, 2020. You can find your personal registration date and time in your MyUNLV because it is different depending on your major and year. Again, if you are a freshman, you had your class schedule selected for you during the summer but you now have to select your own classes for the Spring so I cannot stress how important it is you get in contact with an advisor.
How do I make an appointment?
I always just Google search "UNLV + (my college) + advising center". I am a pre-nursing major so I search "UNLV health science advising center" and the first link allows me to find their contact information. I just call or email and ask for an appointment.

You can also log into your MyUNLV > Resources tile > Campus Connect > Campus Connect login. From there, you can schedule an appointment online.
I hope this was able to help you and I wish you the best as the semester continues! <3

Elizabeth Solis
Orientation Leader
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Major: Pre-nursing