Important Dates for Spring 2021
Hi everyone! I wanted to take a moment here to post some important dates as we begin our Spring semester next week!
1/15/2021: School payment is due in person. This is the last day you can pay for your semester tuition in person or sign up for a payment plan without any penalties and late fees. You can do both through your MyUNLV! Note that financial aid and scholarships should be distributed already.
1/18/2021: Last day you can pay for your tuition in full online without penalties. Also, the last day to register for classes without penalties. No classes because of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
1/19/2020: First day of classes!
1/22/2020: The last waitlist run so this is the last chance that waitlist students can get into the classes they are waitlisted for.
1/25/2021: The last day you can drop classes and get 100% of your refund back. Also, the last day to pay in person and online for your courses (including late fees).
1/26/2020: Students who have not paid for their classes or signed up for a payment plan get dropped from classes.
2/8/2021: Last day for late registration.
2/15/2021: No classes! It is President's Day but there are classes the following day.
2/26/2020: This is the last day to drop classes and get a 50% refund.
3/1/2021: Last day to apply for the May 2021 Commencement Program!
3/15-3/20/2021: Spring Break! Classes resume 3/22/2021.
4/2/2021: Last day to drop classes (no refund included). No withdrawals or audits after this date.
4/12/2021: Fall registration begins. Make sure to check your MyUNLV to see when your personal registration opens!
5/3/2021: Study week starts :(
5/10/2021: Finals week :'( I am getting stressed just thinking about it.
5/15/2021: Semester ends, yay!! It is also Spring 2021 Commencement Day!
5/18/2021: Final grades are due and turned in.
I hope this helps you!

Elizabeth Solis
Orientation Leader
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Major: Pre-Nursing