Tools for Efficient and Successful Academic Success at UNLV!
College is hard!! But it is only as hard as you make it and doing the following things will increase your chances of attaining better grades and having a better overall college experience!

Academic Advising - It is highly recommended that you visit your academic advisor (essentially the equivalent of a high school counselor) at least once, or better yet- twice, a semester! They help you stay on track with your classes for progression within your major and planning for your future career. Staying on track can be crucial in college as the entire experience is already very self-driven and while that independence can be a gift, it also makes it easy to fall behind. While it is okay to stray from that track, make sure to stay on top of your planning and advising meetings to make your life easier! You will thank yourself in the long run because you will avoid getting caught in the troubles of last-minute scheduling and having to pick from a batch of unfavorable courses and class times.
Academic Coaching and Tutoring - While somewhat similar, these advisors (including some from enrichment programs, like TRIO or AANAPISI) also offer scholarship opportunities for their students who are enrolled in the respective program! These advisors also understand the classes you may be enrolled in and they may be able to help you directly or guide you to someone who will be able to help- especially when it comes to the classes that are known to be more difficult such as Biology or Math. Tutoring is a hidden gem on campus and it is not taken advantage of enough! The second floor of the Lied Library has drop-in tutoring provided by the Academic Success Center which, again, can be a large supplemental aid to students who need help beyond the classroom setting. *These in-person tutoring sessions may not be in session right now due to COVID-19 precautions but there is still virtual tutoring available through "The Hub" on Canvas/Web Campus or by talking to your professors.*
Class Teaching Assistants and Supplemental Instruction - Assistants assigned to certain classes provide great insight into the tips and tricks on how to work smarter, not harder! Along with these assistants, there is supplemental instruction or SI. You can find out if there is SI for your class by contacting your professor or the Academic Success Center. It is usually provided for classes that have been found to have a lower pass rate than most. These sessions are led by a student who has passed the course with an exceptional grade! They may provide practice tests before a large exam and they typically have worksheets that correspond with the material being taught in your class. Practice makes perfect!

It still takes lots of hard work to achieve high grades and you will have to push yourself but that does not mean you have to do it all by yourself! Please know that there is always support and resources to help you be your best student while you are here at UNLV!!!

Romar Papa
Orientation Leader
Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada
Major: Pre-Nursing